Election campaign goes Personal

In India there are several political  parties represented by several political  leaders belong to different regions and class with different Ideologies of the parties.
In India  Politicians campaign not only on the basis of Political Ideologies but they do go on personally over opposition  families.

The politics is more in India as refers to people and Injecting racial, Religious  caste,   ethnic, social  instead of engaging in traditional broad-based party politics, promote their particular interests without any interest of people or interests of a larger political group.In political usage, the term has been used to refer to a wide range of political activities and theoretical analysis rooted in experiences of injustice shared by different social groups.  political freedom for groups through understanding their distinctive nature and challenging externally imposed characterizations, instead of organizing solely around belief systems or peoples problems. For Example Lets see an example such as a congress man from Telangana Challenge that I will not take my beard till congress comes into power where this is silly to people and opposition  parties that made people funny and many political satires came on him as his beard is not necessary anywhere in the society. That he should Concentrate  on the public problems not on beard  and some where saying he is never going to take his beard in his life. Same case that a congress leader from the same party in recent  assembly  elections of Telangana said as he will die by cutting  his throat by 9'o' clock gillette blade if Congress does not come into power. It made gillette product a free publication but he didn't anything as we say several before election,. By gods grace he is safe. Not only this we have several examples in every part of the country and guide political action with the aim of asserting group distinctiveness and gaining power and recognition in the context of perceived inequality or injustice.

The term identity politics has been in use in various forms since the 1960's or 1970's, but has been applied with, at times, radically different meanings by different populations.It is that where Indian politicians scolding other party members saying in bad complexity and same newton third of motion comes from opposition party. These politicians never think of public policies and public agenda, public necessities.

Challenges such as quitting  politics if he/she loses the elections but that never happened  in the history of Indian politics.

As we see several Ideas and implementing techniques in developing the Country
But politicians in India are thinking of how to scold other party with new series of ideas and new technologies used in Taking off reputation of Opposition false allegations, false cases, false news, false statements to reelect in the election.

A recent incident says that member of the Parliament hitting his own party member of Assembly in their own party meeting that video gone viral by the next day while whole country is watching the Politicians quarrelling and fighting with a slipper. This kind of politicians that are ruling out India at present  condition.


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